Our comprehensive data resource helps you clarify the data that you interact with on our platform. In this data dictionary, you'll find information about Gazelle's company and contact fields, making it easier to understand and navigate the platform.
The three fields addressed in this dictionary are:
Downloadable field name: The name of the specific data field you encounter while using the platform and downloading company and contact lists
Field name: The label given to the downloadable field name. The field name helps our team identify and manage data from the backend
Field description: Provides detailed information about what each field represents and its role within Gazelle. The description bridges the gap between technical data and your real-world use
Company Fields
Downloadable Field Name | Field_Name | Field_Description |
State | address_admin1_code | Physical Address State: |
City | address_city | Physical Address City Name |
Country | address_country_name | Physical Address Country Name |
Lat/Lon | address_geo_lat | Site level latitude represented in decimal degrees |
Posal Code | address_postal_code | Site level longitude represented in decimal degrees |
Street | address_street | Postal code / ZIP code |
Company Description | description | Physical Street Address |
Main email | Company Email | |
Year Founded | founded | Year business location was founded |
Company GID | gid | Unique Company Identifier |
Employees | global_employees | Total number of employees in the Company |
G. Score | G. Score | Gazelle's AI score: ranks a company's expansion propensity |
Primary Industry | primary_naics | Primary US NAICS code (6 digits) |
Other industry | naics01, naics02, naics03, naics04, naics05, naics06 | 6-digit US Industry Classification System Code |
Name | name | Company Name |
Main Phone | phone | Main telephone line of a company |
Revenue | revenue | Company revenue/sales |
Crunchbase | social_crunchbase_url | URL Address Crunchbase |
social_facebook_url | URL Address Facebook | |
social_linkedin_url | URL Address LinkedIn | |
social_twitter_url | URL Address Twitter | |
Website | website_standard | URL of company in standardized format |
International Presence | address_country_code | 2-digit Country codes of company locations outside a company’s home country |
Total TEU | total_teu | TEU of importers for the full year for most recent year available (US only) |
Suppliers | supplier_GID, supplier_name | Company names and unique company identifiers of international suppliers (US importers only) |
Contact Fields
Downloadable Field Name | Field_Name | Field_Description |
Person Email | ||
Person First Name | first_name_standard | Standardized First Name of Contact |
Person Last Name | last_name_standard | Standardized Last Name of Contact |
Company GID | gid | Unique Company Identifier |
Title | job_title_standard | Job Title of Contact |
Group | primary_role | Category of Job Role (e.g. C-Suite, Vice Presidents) |
social_facebook_url | Person URL Address Facebook | |
social_linkedin_url_stand ard | Person standardized URL LinkedIn | |
social_twitter_url | Person URL Twitter |